Wednesday 28 November 2012

My favourites

Class - The hunter would be by far my favourite class. They are a ranged DPS class that have the ability to tame beasts. They have 3 specialization, Survival, Marksman, and Beastmaster. I just got mine to lv 90 and hope to replace my mage with him. He is the first toon I created when I started playing wow, he is specialised into the the beasmaster class, and has the most hours of game play logged.

Pets - Since the hunter is my most favoured and played class, my favourite hunter pet would be my celestrial bear. He is a rare spawn that takes days to camp to capture.

Land Mount - The mechanized chopper would be by far the best land mount there is. It has the ability to ride a second character with you in its side cart. It is an expensive mount that requires an engineer to create for you.

Flying Mount - The turbocharged flying machine would place as my #1 mount. Its is also and engineer created mount. Its a gyro copter that requires an engineer to ride.

Profession - Engineering is my favourite profession, since its required to use several of my favourite mounts, and has many awesome ability's such as explosives, parachutes, rocket boots and damage enhancing glove enchants.

Old School raid - Uldar tops my raid list for favourites. It was based in the Lichking expansion and in its time it was a long and difficult raid. What makes this one my favourite is the first boss encounter that is fought on mechanized mounts such as seige engines, demolishers and choppers.

Starting area - The goblin starting area in my opinion is the most unique area of them all. Its based in a sort of industrial area, with many quests unique to the goblin story line.

Monday 5 November 2012

New Raid Team

 I made a switch to a new raid team and guild (The Valar) to get some raid progression. My first week running with them we blazed through the first 4 bosses. We are currently are hung up on the 5th boss.

The first boss encountered are the Stone Gard. They are the first line of defence against those daring to enter the vaults is a stolid row of enchanted, bestial statues. There are 4 different statues, Amethyesis, Cobalt, Jade and Jasper. In a 10man raid there are only 3 of these present that are random depending on the week. I find it to be over all easy fight as long as Cobalt is not present with Amethyesis.

Second boss if Feng the Accursed. He is a 3 phase fight that can be easy if the heals are good and everyone knows to stack for attacks such as epic center and use proper defencive abilities and healing AOE's. This is a good fight to test DPS ablity to properly move when they need to.

Gara'jal the Spiritbinder, the third boss is the leader of the Zandalar trolls. I was surprised to see this boss for the first time, because I just did not understand where he fit into the story line. As a DPS this fight did not really enforce any mechanics for me other than to DPS. There was a group that when into the voodoo, but I have no idea what they had to do. This boss was just a one shot for us.

The Spirit of Kings is the fouth encounter in the vaults. Ancient records tell of these legendary rulers, powerful mogu who carved an empire from the very rock of Pandaria. Their names still cause the land to tremble: Zian of the Endless Shadow, Meng the Demented, Qiang the Merciless, and Subetai the Swift. Once again was an easy fight. We basically followed the tank around and spread out Subatai was out. We also had to avoid an ability called flanking orders, that causes one of the groups of statues on either of the four walls to walk across the room, cleaving anyone in their path.

The fifth boss is Elegon, and the one we are currently work on is a celestial dragon. This is a very fun and different fight than anything I have done in the past. To start out we turn into celestial beings upon walking on his platform. As a DPS I need to leave his platform for a moment to clear a debuff that slowly stacks on me that increase my damage taken. This boss requires everyone to be on their best game and requires no slip ups. He has 3 different phases, our group has the first two down pat but are struggling in the third, possibly due to the transitions phases where we have to down orbs that cause increased damage to the boss, and might not be getting enough of these down. We always seem to enter the last phase with a bit too much health on the boss.

I am confident we will have this boss dead early this week, allowing us to get to the last boss and possibly the next raid, Heart of Fear, to enter an entire new level of gear with gear tokens to get out set bonuses.